Spider-man Homecoming: a movie review by 9-year-old MissObservation

Hi everybody! Welcome! My name is Phoenix and today I’m going to be talking about the movie called, “Spider-man Homecoming.” Overall I thought this movie was good. There were a lot of cool fighting and action scenes in this movie. And it was very funny. And not really scary. And I don’t think it was sad.

So the actor who plays Peter Parker (spoiler alert: that’s Spider-man) is really funny and he’s kind of like this smartie guy and he’s in high school. And then there’s this girl who Peter Parker likes and she’s really pretty and she’s also really smart. And Peter Parker also has a best friend. And he’s really funny too. And those two guys, they both like Legos (just like I do), they both like Star Wars (just like I do), and they also like sitting in chairs (just like me). Meanwhile there’s these garbage people who pick up trash and they’ve been picking up these metals and alien technology stuff. And then they lose their jobs. And then they’re like, “Payback time.” So they make all the alien technology metal stuff into weapons. And then they’re selling them and so those guys are like the bad guys in this movie.

So the leader of the bad guys, he has this metal wing suit. And I think they call him the Birdman or the Vulture, I don’t know. But he has these really creepy green eyes on his mask. And that’s just scary. But so far as bad guys go, he really isn’t that bad.

So Peter Parker has to go and save his friends, and Tony Stark’s stuff, and pretty much the whole entire city. But, he also really wants to go to the homecoming dance with this girl he likes, so my boy’s got some hard decisions to make.

Even though this movie is PG-13, I think your kinds can go see this movie. I really enjoyed it and I think you guys will too. It’s great. And there’s really no bad language or anything like that. So yeah, that’s pretty much the end of my review for the movie called, “Spider-man Homecoming.” Thank you for watching. I’ll see you next time. Goodbye everybody!