7-year-old MissObservation reads some fan mail

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Hi everybody! Welcome! My name is Phoenix and today I’m going to be giving thanks to some of my biggest fans. Not like BIG BIG BIG cause they’re only in second grade like I am. I mean like big like they really like my videos. Ms. Taylor’s class down in Florida were learning about critiques and video blogs and they were watching some of my videos. And lots of them wanted to send letters to me about their favorite parts in some of the videos they have been watching. How cool is that!? And when I say a lot, I mean A LOT. Now, I don’t have time to read all of these but I do have one that I really like that I’m going to read out loud:

From Kikah B.
Dear Phoenix, I really enjoy watching your videos. My second grade class watches your channel all the time! I even watch your videos myself at home! My favorite videos are the ones with Kitsu in them! Kitsu is so adorable. I really want a dog like yours. I love the video when Kitsu went sledding with you. You kept falling off the sled!!! You’re lucky to have a dog like her. You’re friend, Kikah.

So she drew a picture of Kitsu and on the other side she drew me and my daddy sledding. Thank you for the awesome note Kikah. I love it! I also want to thank all of the other second graders that sent letters to me. Cause I read them all and they’re all amazing.

There’s Peyton, Joey H., Mika, Jon, Danasia, Mackenzie, Hunter, Valeria, Kiva, Max, Jessica, Will, Shania O., and I think the last one is Leia, like Princess Leia? Oops, or actually maybe it’s Lael.

Thank you again for watching my videos and taking the time to write those nice letters. They were really nice and I really enjoyed reading them.

Make sure you keep watching them cause I’m going to have a new video every week. And don’t forget to tell your friends about them too. Thank you for watching. I’ll see you next time. Goodbye.